Self Portrait Session / Grimsby Boudoir Photographer
“And if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take you to name yourself?”
There is an art to self portraits. It begins even before setting up the camera. First I need to get out of my head and into my body. I often find that walking is where I can do this, even more so if it’s in nature.
I wanted to create some dreamy self portraits in a place that I find so special and that grounds me. What made it even more special is that I was able to move around freely, while my partner snapped the shutter for me.
While I love offering boudoir sessions for you lovely people, I know it isn’t always accessible to everyone. I wanted to provide a few tips on how you can make beautiful portraits with that camera in your pocket!
Find the natural light. Outdoors in private or by a window free of clutter!
Instead of setting the timer for a picture, use video mode. Move your body around. Dance. Look sensual. Be playful. Smile at yourself. You can take screenshots of the footage after. You won’t look stiff if your movements are fluid and you are having fun!
Be gentle with yourself. This exercise can be so strange if you haven’t observed the way your body moves in the world before (other than in mirrors). Don’t feel like you have to be perfect.